Gramsci and Possibilities of Organic Intellectuals as Agents of Filipino Proletarian Hegemony in Post-Duterte’s Necrofascism


  • Gary Musa Polytechnic University of the Philippines Author
  • Jhee Solangon Polytechnic University of the Philippines Author



necrofascist, Filipino proletarian hegemony, Gramsci, organic intellectuals, Duterte


This paper explores the potential theoretical grounding of possible Gramscian intervention of organic intellectuals toward the construction of Filipino proletarian hegemony. The authors reflect on the relevance of the working classes in sustaining the world being inspired by Gramsci’s dedicated life to the proletarian cause. Further, the trajectory is the recent historical event of the global COVID-19 pandemic as well as localized in the Philippines under the necrofascist (stimulated by the scholar Achilles Mmbe’s term necropolitics) Duterte regime which we see as an event-basis to situate a reconsideration of the Gramscian theory that highlights the political involvement of the organic intellectuals. As the Philippines remains a backward agricultural sector and service-sector reliant economy in the service of the global capitalist mode of production, this study shows the abundant grounds for the development of Filipino proletarian hegemony in the Gramscian sense. This study takes on the continuing struggles from various social movements that arose since the pandemic as a basis for how a possible unitary hegemony can mobilize Filipinos toward proletarian emancipatory politics. Therefore, through the theory of Gramsci on organic intellectuals, the authors propose the necessity of an organic intellectual’s role of unifying the people and leading the proletarian hegemony that will be the basis of political emancipation. Now moving past the Duterte necrofascist regime, such proletarian hegemony can happen through people’s active creation of their class hegemony toward societal transformation. This paper closes with notes on forming a unitary bloc among classes and identities or using Mao Zedong’s signifier—people. Further, there should be a necessity in this people’s bloc what the theorists Laclau and Mouffee call hegemonic articulation.


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Author Biographies

  • Gary Musa, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    Gary Musa finished his AB Philosophy course at PUP Manila in 2014. He finished his Master of Arts in Philosophy at Divine Word Mission Seminary. Currently, he is a faculty member of the PUP Department of Humanities and Philosophy. Besides teaching, he actively spearheads the extension program of the department along with other academic and organizational commitments. His research interests are social and political philosophy, Marxist philosophy, Marxist critique of political economy, ecology, space and theory, literature, and rap literature, among others.

  • Jhee Solangon, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    Jhee F. Solangon completed her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Currently, she serves as an HR Professional in the private sector while pursuing her Juris Doctor studies at Arellano University School of Law. Her research interests encompass Marxism, Existentialism, and Feminism.


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How to Cite

Gramsci and Possibilities of Organic Intellectuals as Agents of Filipino Proletarian Hegemony in Post-Duterte’s Necrofascism. (2024). Social Sciences and Development Review, 15(1).