Perceptions and Behaviors of BA Sociology Students Related to their Experiences in Doing a Thesis Study


  • Mark Anthony Quintos University of the Philippines Diliman Author
  • Minami Iwayama Polytechnic University of the Philippines Author



BA Sociology, thesis, Directed Research, Philippines, higher education, research


By virtue of the Philippines’ Commission on Higher Education’s (CHED) Memorandum No. 40, Series of 2017, Directed Research – or more commonly known as the thesis study – has become a requirement for all students of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology programs in the country. This study recognizes that the thesis requirement is often a difficult endeavor for students and sought to look into the thesis-related experiences of students of the discipline now that it has become mandatory. Graduates of a BA Sociology program from a university in Metro Manila during two academic years (A.Y. 2021-2022 and A.Y. 2022-2023) were invited as respondents to a survey that inquired about three aspects of the thesis experience: (1) their perceptions and experiences regarding the importance of their thesis study, its potential for publication, and their readiness in conducting the terminal requirement; (2) their perceptions and experiences with regard to thesis topics, thesis groupmates, and thesis
advisers; and (3) the difficulties they experienced during the conduct of the thesis study and their perceptions regarding the thesis as a BA Sociology
terminal requirement. The results of the study demonstrate that BA Sociology graduates whose decision-making processes with regard to the different aspects of the thesis-making experience were governed by practical considerations. The results also suggest that the respondents do not possess a strong research culture despite being graduates of a discipline wherewith, by its very nature as a basic science, research should be a vital element. The author suggests that this lack of a research culture is due to (1) socio-economic, (2) curricular, (3) institutional, and (4) societal factors that impede a proper appreciation of the importance of research.


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Author Biographies

  • Mark Anthony Quintos, University of the Philippines Diliman

    Prof. Mark Anthony M. Quintos is an experienced academic with more than a decade of cumulative teaching experience from six of the well-known universities in the Philippines. He currently teaches at De La Salle University as a member of the Department of Sociology and Behavioral Sciences Department. Aside from this institution, he is also a lecturer at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines’ Department of Sociology and Anthropology, at Don Honorio Ventura State University’s Department of Sociology, and the University of the Philippines Diliman’s Department of Sociology. Prior to these teaching engagements, he taught at Far Eastern University and at the University of the Philippines
    Los Baños where he served a term as head of the Sociology-Anthropology-Psychology Division of the Department of Social Sciences. Within this timeframe of teaching, he has handled more than 30 different courses that deal with various areas of the social sciences. As a sociologist, he has published more than twenty-five articles in reputable peer-reviewed journals and he remains as an active social scientist making empirical and theoretical inquiries on various domains of social life including suicide, social psychology, education, religion, population, gender, death, deviance, technology, and human behaviors in the cyberspace.

  • Minami Iwayama, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    Atty. Minami O. Iwayama, M.A. obtained her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Sociology from the University of the Philippines Los Baños and her Juris Doctor degree from the Arellano University School of Law. She took and passed the bar last 2023. Her research interests are on the OFW phenomenon, labor migration, population studies (focusing on migration), migration brokerage, sociology of labor, sociology of law, sociology of gender and sexuality, social psychology, sociology of the internet, sociology of religion, and sociological theories. She has taught at the Ateneo de Manila University and the University of Santo Tomas and is currently affiliated with the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.


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How to Cite

Perceptions and Behaviors of BA Sociology Students Related to their Experiences in Doing a Thesis Study. (2024). Social Sciences and Development Review, 15(1).