Exploring Deprivation Experiences among Senior Citizens: A Strategic Gender Needs Analysis Framework in Davao City
deprivation experiences, senior citizens, Senior Citizens on Relevant Enactions (SCORE), help-seeking behaviour, participationAbstract
This study is aimed at developing a strategic gender needs framework for the senior citizens in Davao City. The study used a convergence-parallel mixed methods design and a snowball sampling technique. As part of the quantitative study, a survey questionnaire consisting of 20 items was used to collect data from the 20 senior citizen participants. On the other hand, a qualitative study was also facilitated through the key informant interviews of two elders. The location of the data gathering is in Davao City. The mean and t-test were the statistical tools used in the study. Also, data triangulation was utilized to check the convergence (divergence) of the results.
The study’s findings showed that senior citizens’ levels of deprivation were high in terms of help-seeking behavior. In the same manner, the participation level in terms of family and community decision-making was very high. Meanwhile, it was found that there is a significant difference in the level of deprivation experienced in terms of help-seeking behavior and participation in decision making among senior citizens when grouped according to age. This concurs with the fact that, as they age, they are likely to experience deprivations. On the other hand, the study concurred that there is no significant difference in the level of deprivation experienced in terms of help-seeking behavior and participation in decision-making among senior citizens when grouped according to sex, primary source of income, average monthly income, and medical history. Given the qualitative data, this study confirmed that the salient and dominant themes triggered in the thematic analysis are: the prolonged turn-around time in the scheduled social pension pay-outs; the insufficient amount of social pension; the lack of livelihood training or programs obtained; and the age discrimination to access work. Furthermore, significant statements about the deprivation experiences of senior citizens were analyzed, which resulted in a common category called “poverty.”
Lastly, Senior Citizens on Relevant Enactions (SCORE) is the proposed strategic gender needs framework for the senior citizens in Davao City that aims to provide an avenue to enhance their living conditions through suitable and relevant strategies and programs.
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