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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

Thank you for choosing the Education Review as an avenue for your paper publication. The following instructions will help you ensure that your documents are complete prior to submission. Please read and follow them as closely as possible to help our editorial team process your application smoothly.


About the Journal

The Education Review is one of the flagship journals of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. It is a peer-refereed journal that provides researchers with a platform for research engagement in the local and international community. The annual publication of the journal presents a substantial collection of emerging trends and issues in education for a better understanding of the educational landscape and the people working in it. The journal does not charge article processing fees (APCs) to allow a wide range of knowledge sharing across the globe.

The goals of the publication are as follows: (1) maintain confidentiality in managing submitted manuscripts; (2) observe timely publication of the journal; (3) pursue unbiased double blind review system; and (4) ensure that editorial decisions are based on originality, relevance, and quality of a manuscript and its contribution to the body of knowledge in the disciplines that the journal seeks to cultivate.

Focus and Scope

The contents of the Education Review include analyses of theories, materials development, application of methods and theories, policy descriptions and implementations, research reports, qualitative and quantitative studies, and systematic reviews. Specifically, the following topics of interest are the focus of journal’s publication:

  • Education technology/innovation and change;
  • Communication technology; student support services;
  • Professional development and faculty support; quality assurance;
  • Curricular benchmarking;
  • Institutional development;
  • Policy studies;
  • Outcomes-based education;
  • Inquiry-based education;
  • Promoting full, decent and productive employment;
  • Transformative education;
  • Home-school-community service, employment impact;
  • Graduate tracer studies;
  • Culture and values; and
  • Teacher and student achievements

The Education Review accepts the following types of articles:

  • Original articles
  • Basic research articles
  • Systematic literature review articles
  • Action research articles
  • Theoretical papers


Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise and professional language. As much as possible, avoid the use of jargons and overly complex sentences to ensure that the manuscript will be easily understood by the readers. Maintain a formal academic tone throughout the manuscript and avoid personal opinions or biased language.

The journal accepts articles written in Filipino; however, the authors need to provide an English translation for the abstract and keywords.

Publication Ethics

To maintain integrity in every research work, the Education Review (EdRev) is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in research and academic publication. Manuscripts in this journal are selected through a rigorous peer-review process to ensure accuracy, novelty, significance, and quality. Please read the journal’s Publication Ethics for your guidance.


Preparing the Manuscript

Please use the Journal Template to prepare your manuscript.

  • Files should be in MS Word format.
  • Manuscripts should be limited from 6,000 to 8,000, excluding the abstract, footnotes, and references.
  • The journal accepts both English and Filipino written manuscripts. However, if the manuscript is written in Filipino, abstract and keywords written in English should be provided.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • The manuscript should neither have been previously published, nor is it currently under consideration by another publication at the time of submission.
  • Permission from all the authors has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Manuscripts must follow the order of presentation below:

  1. Title

Title of the Study

Author’s Name1, Author’s Name2



ORCID of Author1

ORCID of Author1

Email Address1, Email Address2

  1. Abstract. Abstract of the paper must be limited to 250 words. It must reflect the article’s focus and summarize the essential points, objective and theoretical framework, method, relevant findings, conclusions, and recommendations, where relevant. Key words must be provided.
  2. Provide 3-5 keywords or phrases, separated by comma.
  3. Key Elements of the Manuscript.
  • Introduction. The introduction states the rationale and the significance of the study. This also includes discussion of research gap, arguments and related literature and studies. The cited literature must be within a decade year range.
  • Methodology. Describe the research method used in the study and discuss which data were used and how these data were collected and analyzed. Sampling techniques, data instruments used, statistical techniques, ethical considerations, and declaration on the use of generative AI should also be included in discussion.
  • Results and Discussion. Provides the themes and evidence found when the data is analyzed and explains what the results mean. Also, how these results relate to previous literature should be highlighted. In qualitative research, results are usually from interview or participant observations, which are grouped to understand statistical themes in nature that show what factors or variables predict certain outcomes.

Figures and Table. The figures provided should be clear and in JPEG format. In tables, font size must be size 10 and vertical lines should not be drawn. The number of the table and title should be written above the table. Tables should be in text format, not images.

  • Conclusion and Recommendations. This section will usually summarize the main points and claims of the research. It might elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest applications and extensions.

(Authors may deviate from the aforementioned key elements as subsections when doing or writing qualitative research, but, in principle, the four elements are still in this article.)

  1. Statements and declarations
  • Funding details. All internal funds, grants, and financial support from institutions, employers, or affiliated organizations; and external funds, grants, and financial support from private foundation, NGOs, political groups, think tanks, charities, research organizations, and government agencies received by the authors to do their research must be declared.
  • Disclosure statement. This is to acknowledge any financial or non-financial interest arising from your research's direct application. If there are no relevant competing interests to declare, please state this within the article; for example, The authors report that there are no competing interests to declare.
  • Ethical Approval/Declaration. A statement declaring the ethical approval of the research or an Attestation (click here for sample attestation) that no participants were harmed during the conduct of the study.
  • Declaration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Scientific Writing. If AI tools are used in the manuscript writing, the author/s should declare it in Methodology and in this section. Example: The author/s used [which AI tool] to [reason/s]. However, the author/s affirm their responsibility for the content accuracy of the whole manuscript.
  • A one- to two-line statement of appreciation for other services from organizations or individuals.
  1. References - APA citation style, 7th edition, is the preferred documentations style. This must be applied in in-text and terminal citations, punctuation, abbreviations, tables, headings and presentations of statistics.
  2. Bionote - Please provide a short biography of each author in paragraph. It should contain the following points:
    • Author’s full name, current position, and affiliation/organization
    • Educational background
    • Work experiences
    • Research interests

Publication Charges

There are NO submission and publication fees for this journal.

Open Access

Published articles in the Education Review Journal will be freely accessed by the readers using the PKP’s Open Journal System to promote broader access to scientific information.



Submission Preparation Checklist

  • The manuscript must be original and has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal for consideration during the application process.
  • Follows the Journal Template and adheres to the guidelines outlined in this document.
  • Follows research ethics and includes necessary conflicts of interest, acknowledgement, and funding declarations. If available, authors may submit an ethical clearance from any institution. If not, the article should include a statement or attestation that the study complies with ethical guidelines.
  • Figures are in .jpeg or .png (at least 300 dpi).
  • Tables are in word format, with size 10 font size.
  • Strictly follows the referencing and citation guidelines of APA 7th
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.

Manuscripts that do not meet these guidelines will be rejected or returned before peer review.


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.