Social-Emotional Development amid Mobile Learning: Pros, Cons, and Actions




basic education, distance education, emotional development, mobile learning, social development, SEL


Mobile learning became one of the most prevalent forms of education during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of necessity, many young students gained access to mobile phones and utilized them for both educational and non-educational purposes. Research indicates that while mobile learning can enhance educational outcomes, it may also negatively affect the socio-emotional development of young students if used improperly. This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning and explores potential strategies to optimize learning and minimize, if not eliminate, its adverse effects. Key recommendations include integrating social-emotional learning (SEL), managing screen time, encouraging co-viewing, promoting moderate use of digital devices, early detection of socio-emotional disorders, and implementing relevant policies. Furthermore, incorporating moral training, character building, and habit formation is suggested as beneficial, especially for children.


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Author Biography

  • Carla O. Melodillar, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines

    Carla O. Melodillar is a University Researcher at the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB). She is a Registered Professional Forester and a Licensed Professional Teacher with research interests on the fields of education, extension education, agricultural and forestry extension, and rural development studies. Her research involvements include learners’ motivation and participation, adoption and technology transfer, and assessment and implementation of extension programs. She is currently pursuing her Doctor of Philosophy in Extension Education degree at the College of Public Affairs and Development, UPLB while serving as one the Project Leaders of the Farmer-Scientist Research, Development, and Extension Training Program being implemented nationwide. She is also a member of the National Research Council of the Philippines, Philippine Extension and Advisory Services Network, Inc., and Forest and Natural Resources Research Society of the Philippines.


